【同义词辨析】 2017-08-17 整洁neat-trim
neat: implies clearness, be it manifested in freedom from dirt or soil: a room as ~ as a pin; or freedom from clutter, complication and confusion: ~ workmanship; or freedom from admixture: took whiskEy ~.
tidy: suggests neatness and order diligently maintained: a ~ desk with everything in its proper place.
trim: implies neatness and trimness, but it stresses smart and spruce appearance given by clean lines and excellent proportion: a ~ yacht.
neat: 整洁纯净,即清楚(没有灰尘混乱杂质), tidy: 整洁且有条理(order), trim: 也可以表示清楚条理,但强调外表明快协调。
记忆方法: 1)首字母联想TNT炸药-->废墟混乱-->不再整洁有条
2)整洁的意思是规整洁净mean manifesting care and orderliness. care用心 orderly有序